And the ones harmed were the people who cared for and supported him, the
guy who stole his material got nothing but promotion.

A very selfish and childish way to handle things.

If you like a site...clone it to your HD, it happens more than you think :(

73 de pu2sex Alexandre

Enviado do meu Tele-Movel

Em qui, 18 de nov de 2021 11:32, Daniel Seagraves via cctalk <> escreveu:

> > On Nov 18, 2021, at 8:22 AM, Michael Kerpan <> wrote:
> >
> > What happened? Looking back at my emails, the list was operating
> normally until September 3. Then it just stopped. There were normal
> discussions going on. There was no flood of spam. As far as I can tell,
> nothing occured that would trigger a rage quit.
> A news article was posted wherein another party was credited with creating
> DTCyber and a screenshot showed that party had removed his advertisements
> from the software.
> The GPL does not have an advertising clause, and he did not have grounds
> to demand the advertisement be restored, so he decided it best to delete
> everything.

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