On 2021-09-28 2:24 p.m., Paul Koning wrote:
My next computer will be 44 bits, if I ever get the routing timing bugs out the
prototype card. I can't change the FPGA vender because I can use TTL macros
like 74181, for TTL bread boarding.
With the 74181 I can have any width I want, thus I can play with odd sizes.
For extra credit, create a GCC back end for that design. :-)
Self-compile Small and Bootstrap seem to be forgotten words.
So is ASCII 69. I wish they had <- or -> arrow symbols to replace the
= 's for assignment.
More I play with my designs, I come to the conclusion that
32 bits is not ample for a general purpose computer.
I think Von Neumann would agree; he picked 40 bits as I recall. There are all
sorts of interesting word lengths out there; the strangest I've worked with is
27 bits one's complement.
Was that a drum machime?