On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 09:53:26PM +0100, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote: > I've managed to reconstitute my SIMH config and I've checked out a few > of the ISO files I managed to generate using ddrescue. > > The Mar 89 CONOLD and May 89 CONDIST do not even show up as media > under Linux. If I get the chance I'll try out the Oxford GAME store > polisher for one at least of them. As a backup I'll dig out my 3000 > grit sandpaper and try that out.
I have to say I'm a little worried about the sandpaper... do you have a spare CD to test the effect on? Another option might be to send the CD to someone who does have a store nearby with a CD polisher. Either way, I guess the first step would be to find out whether the Oxford GAME store has one. Thanks again for your effort! > I've only looked at a few CONDIST volumes and none of the > corresponding CONOLD volumes. > > The oldest working one is the 1989 July CONDIST, which read 99.99% > with ddrescue. It mounts quite happily and I can see the directory. > > [...] > > Anyway, it looks like it is all there. However (and there's always a > "however") the VAXSET kit that started this all off is VAXSET*080* and > not the hoped for *070*. Interestingly the [.LINE] subdirectory does > contain some doc files but the [.KIT] directory is empty. I've > included the CD_CONTENTS.DAT below. From that you can see: > > "VAXSET" **** N V8.0 SUB N Y VAXSET080 NO_BINARIES > > which would suggest that the kit didn't ship although the SPD and so > on did. No idea why. Until I saw that I assumed that this was the one > set of files to get whacked, but that seems very unlikely. Especially > since the 1989 JUL AD CONDIST is the same. VAXSET is just a combined package consisting of CMS, LSE, SCA, MMS, PCA, and DTM. Here's a table of corresponding version numbers I've compiled from various sources (likely not 100% correct): |=== | VAXSET | v5.0 | v6.0 | v7.0 | v8.0 | v9.0 | v10.0 | CMS | v2.3 | v3.0 | v3.1 | v3.2 | v3.3 | v3.4 | LSE | v2.1 | v2.2 | v2.2 | v2.3 | v3.0 | v3.1 | SCA | v1.1 | v1.2 | v1.2 | v1.3 | v2.0 | v3.0 | MMS | v2.2 | v2.3 | v2.4 | v2.5 | v2.5 | v2.6 | PCA |?v1.2 | v2.0 | v2.0 | v2.1 | v2.2 | v3.0 | DTM | v2.2 | v2.3 | v2.3 | v3.0 | v3.1 | v3.2 | Release | 1987 | 1988 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1990 | Minimal VMS |?v4.4 | v4.6 | v4.6 | v5.1 | v5.3 | v5.3 |=== It looks like the individual components of VAXSET v8.0 are on the 1989-07 CONDIST even if VAXSET is listed as NO_BINARIES. While VAXSET v8.0 requires VMS v5.1, I'm not sure about its components. Some of them may run on (Micro)VMS 4.7. > I also ran up the MENU.EXE that is included and VAXSET is listed under > "New Products" and not "Updated Products". My interpretation would be > that it is not on any earlier CONDIST CDROMs. But it would be nice for > earlier ones to get flushed out and published! That's entirely possible, I have no reason to believe VAXSET was on earlier CONDIST CDs. Either way, I'm very interested in the older CONDISTs, too! This one already contains a few other things I have been looking for for a while. > Anyway, over the next few days I'll package up these early CDROMs and > put them up on either google drive or dropbox. I'll post a link here > and whoever wants them can grab them. If Al wants them for bitsavers > that's OK by me. > > I plan to include the ISO, a README.TXT that explains that these are > all incomplete and I'll attach the ddrescue output, a scan of the CD, > a SHA256 of the files. I'll tar it up and compress with xz. > > If anyone would prefer some other format or compression or whatever, > I'm open to suggestions. Maybe a ZIP file is easier for some people? Otherwise this sounds good! Cheers, Malte -- Malte Dehling <mdehling at gmail.com>