On 17/04/2021 16:53, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:
On 4/17/2021 2:15 AM, Mark J. Blair via cctalk wrote:
On Apr 16, 2021, at 11:38 AM, Malte Dehling via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
Whether VAXSET is on there or not, I would be very interested in
ISOs of
both of these either way!
If Antonio does not mind sharing them a bit more widely, I would also
like to have ISOs of them. I'm interested in running earlier VMS
versions on my 11/730.
I too would be interested if it is possible to get disk images of
these two CDs.
I'll make them available to all.
May 1989 wouldn't load up at all in the DVD drive. When I looked at the
data side they were very badly scuffed.
July 1989 and November 1989 look better but don't read completely. I've
tried some CD cleaning solution I have and I've also tried a different
drive (and a different OS!).
I'll try them out on SIMH and if they're even partially useful, I'll
post them. They should be backup savesets, so it should be easy to tell
if those have been corrupted or not with BACKUP/ANALYSE.
If anyone has any suggestions for how to clean CDs to recover data, I'm
all ears.
These came out of DEC and were probably dropped off in my cube (as the
group was being sold off to Cabletron) after years of kicking around and
being used as coasters etc.
The ones that I was on a subscription list were looked after and still
work :-) (but they're V6 onwards iirc).
I suppose that I should start to archive those too, but it will take
some time.
I should be able to resurrect my SIMH config tonight/tomorrow and then I
can test them and put them up somewhere.
Any thoughts about what to provide for each one? So far ...:
the ISO (with SHA256 or similar)
a scan of the CD
a README with the CD title and whether it read error free or not: in
the latter case a dnesg snippet.
Anything else worth adding while I'm at it?
Antonio Carlini