On 1/20/2021 10:16 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
Learning many different paradigms makes it easier to and more likely that you will choose the right tool for the job. In the world of general purpose languages all you have is a hammer and so all tasks look like nails. bill
I don't see languages in general have improved since the the mid 1960's. Hardware and language models don't reflect each other, and don't have extendable data sizes and types. PL/I seems to have been the best,but too tied to IBM. C standard 2131 complex numbers C standard 2143 dubble complex numbers Every machine I can think of had a carry flag of some type yet no language uses that to extend it self. I don't believe in objects because data structures don't have classes, but are more similar to each other. A window A structure is like window B but details are different. That makes things look portable when they are not. Constants still seem to be embedded in data structures, rather than abstract. -- zero array define LIMIT abc blah array[LIMIT] ... i = 0 while i< LIMIT array[i] = 0 i = i + 1 endw I would like say let LIMIT = abc blah array[LIMIT] i = 0 while i< array:LIMIT array[i] = 0 i = i + 1 endw Ben.