Thanks Lars. Interesting article. According to his bio in Circuit Cellar, Bob 
was a programmer for the NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers) in 
New York and also wrote PDP-8 and MC6800 simulators. I can find even less on 
those two. The source code to the LSI11 says "R.W.Meister" so it's likely the 
same chap.

I may cross-post this to VCFE and see if anyone knows where he may be.


Rich Cini

On 8/13/20, 1:23 AM, "Lars Brinkhoff" <> wrote:

    Richard Cini wrote:
    > an article by Bob Meister that appeared in the July 1996 issue of
    > Circuit Cellar with an LSI-11 simulator program.
    I found this by Robert P. Meister at Battelle Columbus labs.
    It mentions an LSI-II.

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