Van: Bill Gunshannon via cctalk<>
Verzonden: woensdag 1 juli 2020 03:05
Onderwerp: Re: UniSys ClearPath OS/2200 Express?

On 6/30/20 6:29 PM, Alan Perry via cctalk wrote:
> Why would one get OS/2200 when they can get 
>  ?

Because I very much enjoyed working on Exec-8 on the 1100 lo those
40 years ago.  :-)


I always wanted “something” at home to remind me of my days when working with 
EXEC 37R5 (IIRC, 1991-1999 time frame).
Back then I could read the panic dump listing, a stack of 3 inches thick paper 
only containng 36-bit octal words, and find which program (or user) caused EXEC 
to crash. The joke was “let’s find the 8”.
I did EXEC, Videotex, DMS-1000, and MAPPER. For EXEC and MAPPER I had the 
SPERRY “internals” course.

I really liked MASM and PLUS.
I remember two ERs, ADED$ and SMOQUE$. With the latter I was able to move my 
print out to the top of the queue 😊
IIRC, with ADED$ you could assign (and lock) a CPU to your program. A silly 
mistake in my MASM program “ate” all three CPUs of the 1100/63. Everything 
froze, and even on the console in the computer room response was extremely 
slow. $! had no immediate effect!

Those were the days!  I think I will try to get 2200 running, but I am afraid I 
forgot most of it (if not all), it’s been over 20 years.


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