Starting in 1987, future Mac product circuitry and VLSI designs were run on a Cray X-MP/48 for hardware and software simulations under Unicos Cray’s licensed version of Unix System V: Apple was the first company that Cray allowed to access their Network Systems Corporation (Minneapolis) developed high-speed channel, operating at 850Mbits per second, which Cray called its HSX channel. On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 8:16 PM Ethan O'Toole via cctalk <> wrote: > > He didn't know of anyone doing much other with it either. I think it > was > > bought before there was a unix type OS under the Macos. > > thanks > > Jim > > > > They bought it to use to design the next Macintosh CPU I thought (break > away from the 68000 but never did), but that page talks about electronics > layout. > > - Ethan >