You may want to have a peek at the sync separator I built for my 9000-340. The schematics are available over at VintHp
I am also in the process of building a PS/2 and USB to HIL adapter: As for disks. This is one option: Ansgar's HPDrive is another: -- Med vänlig hälsning Anders Gustafsson, ingenjör | Support +358 18 12060 | Direkt +358 9 315 45 121 | Mobil +358 40506 7099 Pedago interaktiv ab, Nygatan 6 (kontor), Nygatan 7 B (kurslokal), AX-22100 MARIEHAMN, ÅLAND, FINLAND >>> <> 2020-05-26 20:00 >>> Should I look at buying a monitor that can support the composite video sync and get an HIL keyboard (or build an adapter)? Does the machine not support using a terminal over the serial port as a console at boot?