On 3/18/20 7:51 PM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
I've uploaded an updated set of sample system images. Jim worked
through rebuilding the disk files with more filesystem and paging space,
and we enhanced the run script wrapper a bit. There are also a couple
of help text tweaks, system startup fixes, etc.
The tarball is 142882727 bytes, and its sha256sum is
Is there anywhere we can find a list of what is avaiable on each of
those images? I tried a few and at least one has all the compilers
but no emacs. Another has emacs but apparently no compilers. :-)
I'm impressed so far but would really like to find systems that I
can do some real programming on. Is it possible for someone to
build a Rev 24 image with everything on it?
My last real work with Primos was during the move from Rev 19
to Rev 20. I am amazed at how much I have forgotten and really
regret having gotten rid of all my documentation (at least I
think I did, I suppose it is possible there is still a box in
the attic full of Prime manuals including my course books from
the internals class!)
One other one that I should know but forgot is how to add a user.
Would be nice to set it up properly before I start loading programs
on it. A lot of languages were available on Prime that you don't
see much anymore and Rosetta Code is just crying out for more examples.