Update: I have also found IBM 500-series punch card equipment.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019, 2:40 PM Thomas Raguso <tsrag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is my first of many posts that I will make about this sale.
> I am liquidating a large warehouse filled with vintage computers including
> Apple, DEC, IBM, Commodore, Tandy/Radio Shack, HP, and more. Many items are
> currently inaccessible due to large piles of junk and video games.
> So far, I have found:
> Apple Lisa 2
> Tandy 6000 HD
> IBM 5251 Keyboard
> MicroVAX 3900 (currently inaccessible)
> MicroVAX II (currently inaccessible)
> Cromemco System One
> Ohio Scientific Challenger 2p
> Lots of Apple II series
> IBM 5110
> Piles of VT100s
> Even more VT220, VT320
> Northstar Advantage
> Osborne 1
> Various Kaypros
> PC clones
> Commodore B-Series
> Just about every  kind of TRS-80
> IBM XT with monitor in box
> NeXT cube
> Almost every type of Macintosh
> Amigas
> IBM PS/2 P70
> HP 3000 (inaccessible)
> 1970s HP computers
> Boxes filled with Cromemco and Northstar manuals
> A pallet of 1980s PC clones (inaccessible)
> Heaps of CRT monitors
> Mechanical Keyboards
> At least 20 Apple Extended Keyboard II's
> I have barely scratched the surface of the warehouse, and will keep you
> updated when I find more items, or am able to move the large systems.
> The DEC terminals are not yet for sale, since I have not yet found the
> keyboards.
> I am not taking offers on the entire warehouse at this time.
> Please feel free to text me with questions
> Thomas Raguso
> (832) 374-2803

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