In preparation of moving, I dug out a IBM 6150 PC-RT from my basement. This was my first proper computer as a child, which was donated to me by a local company that upgraded their CAD system. So it would be interesting to bring it back to life.
The machine is equipped with an 320 MB ESDI, 10 MBit Baseband Ethernet adapter and an IBM Megapel graphics adapter. This baby was quite a sight in 1993 when I got it, with its elegant console font designed by Knuth. Now I'm trying to revive the old machine, but there are some hassles: The hard disk seems to be stuck or the drives electronics are broken, it does not spin up. As these drives are quite rare, I'm looking for the SCSI card (Model 6lX700l). Is it right, the PC-RT can boot off SCSI? While I made images of the install floppies, it seems the AIX base system 2.0.0. disk #1 is missing. The AIXWindows floppies where not imaged and seem to be unreadable. Otherwise all VRM/extendes svcs, etc floppy images are at hand. So there is a big pile of problems with this box, maybe someone can help me out with parts and floppy images? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Peter