mån 2019-05-27 klockan 12:47 -0500 skrev Mister PDP via cctalk:
> I took a look at all the lines you mentioned. BDAL3-13, BDIN, BSYNC,
> and
> BBS7 are all active and jump around in some manner. BRPLY is still
> the only
> line that does not have any activity on it. None of the BDAL lines
> seem
> shorted to ground or to each other. My DLV11-J is configured to
> essentially
> factory settings (J3 set as console, 8 bits no parity) except for the
> fact
> that J3 is at 9.6k baud instead of 300, the address jumpers are
> exactly the
> same as the one you provided.

Someone had a bit of trouble (whom ?) with things. Erratic behaviour
in device addressing.

He found that (i believe) that 8 switches in  dip jumper was broken.

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