OK, got back to this ...

Plugged in the Rainbow 100. Flipped the power switch. No LEDs lit.

There is a white circuit breaker on the power supply. When I switch on the power, it pops out. I switch off the power, reset the breaker, switch on the power and it pops out again.


On 3/1/19 2:32 PM, Warner Losh wrote:
Since you don't hear the gears grinding in the rx-50, that's a failure fairly early on. The LEDs in the back of the case will tell you something. There's a table for LED codes in the Rainbow manuals somewhere. If NO LEDs are on, that tells you something too (they all light up on application of power).

I've had my rainbow for 30 years, and haven't had to deal with bad caps in the power supply, but I've also gone as long as a decade with the Rainbow in a box...  And now I have 4 of them (2As and 2Bs)....


On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 3:13 PM Alan Perry <ape...@snowmoose.com <mailto:ape...@snowmoose.com>> wrote:

    I will look at that when I get back home after the weekend.

    On Mar 1, 2019, at 2:01 PM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com
    <mailto:i...@bsdimp.com>> wrote:

    On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 2:56 PM Alan Perry via cctech
    <cct...@classiccmp.org <mailto:cct...@classiccmp.org>> wrote:

        Initially it booted and ran for a while until I switched it off.

        The last time it responded to the power switched, components
        powered up and the FDD started operating. Then suddenly
        everything stopped like the plug had been pulled.

        Now it does nothing (apparent) when it is switched on.

    The rainbow has a number of LEDs in the back that it frobs while
    booting... Do any of them light up?



        > On Mar 1, 2019, at 1:44 PM, dwight <dkel...@hotmail.com
        <mailto:dkel...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
        > Maybe I need a little clearification.
        > When you turn the switches off, it boots?
        > Dwight
        > From: cctech <cctech-boun...@classiccmp.org
        <mailto:cctech-boun...@classiccmp.org>> on behalf of Alan
        Perry via cctech <cct...@classiccmp.org
        > Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 1:35 PM
        > To: Ethan Dicks
        > Cc: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts
        > Subject: Re: Rainbow 100 PSU capacitor list
        > > On Mar 1, 2019, at 7:52 AM, Ethan Dicks
        <ethan.di...@gmail.com <mailto:ethan.di...@gmail.com>> wrote:
        > >
        > > On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 1:21 PM Alan Perry via cctech
        > > <cct...@classiccmp.org <mailto:cct...@classiccmp.org>> wrote:
        > >> Hi,
        > >>
        > >> I think that I need to re-cap the power supply in a
        Rainbow 100. Does
        > >> anyone here know if anyone has put together a list of
        capacitors used in
        > >> the power supply that I can use to order parts?
        > >
        > > I don't have a list (I just got a pair of Rainbows last
        month) but
        > > given the era of manufacture, I'd be looking for Rifa EMI
        filter caps
        > > by the power inlet.  I've had those fail in BA23 cabinets
        and in a
        > > Commodore D9060 hard drive, and a TRS-80 Model 4.
        > Thanks. When I first got the Rainbow, I asked here about
        what to look for before powering it up and was told about
        Rifa caps and what look/listen for.
        > I eventually threw caution to the wind and just powered it
        up and I ran it for 15-20 minutes. The PVA in the monitor was
        really cloudy, so I didn’t use the system anymore until I
        removed the PVA over Christmas. I was testing everything
        after that and the system was booting up when the power all
        switched off like it had been unplugged.
        > alan
        > >
        > > This is totally different than failing/bulging electrolytics.
        > >
        > > -ethan

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