It was thus said that the Great Chris Hanson via cctalk once stated: > On Dec 20, 2018, at 12:03 PM, Carlo Pisani via cctalk <> > wrote: > > > > a forum with a bazaar should be more appropriate > > frankly this mail list looks like spam, and it's going irritating > > since it's difficult to follow and to handle > > What do you mean by this? Do you mean you would prefer to visit a web page > to read the latest posts on cctalk rather than have them delivered to you > via email? > > I often find it fascinating that people talk about email lists as if > they’re some huge inconvenience or imposition. Just set up rules to file > them to their own mailboxes, read them when you feel like it, they work > great.
You are assuming they are using software that allows filtering, and that they know about the filtering capability. Also, there are people who consider one email per week as being "way too busy---stop sending so much". -spc (Then there are the people who consider email as a To-Do list, you seriously use email for *communication?* How quaint ... )