On Tue, 18 Dec 2018, Tapley, Mark via cctalk wrote:

Not to start a flame war, but I?m well aware VMS supports clustering pretty well, so I?m puzzled - does anyone know why the Product Description called out Tru64 rather than VMS or both? Was Compaq de-emphasizing VMS when that was written?

DEC, Compaq, and HP always had separate part numbers and product descriptions for Tru64, VMS, and Windows systems. I know from repeated
experiance that you can run either OS on these systems and I also know
that all the ES45 hardware is supported by VMS including the video cards.

I also know that the DS20 mother boards had hardware on them such as USB
controllers and maybe SCSI controllers that were not supported by either

  Richard Loken VE6BSV            : "...underneath those tuques we wear,
  Athabasca, Alberta Canada       : our heads are naked!"
  ** rllo...@telus.net **         :    - Arthur Black

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