Lars Brinkhoff wrote: > Richard has DE10 working already, but that's not supported by ITS. > Adding that support is not out of the question, but we want to give the > DL10/DC76 a go.
ITS speaks TCP (over an IMP interface, which is simulated in KLH10), so it hardly seems worth jumping thru hoops to get hardwired dumb terminals. Now, simulating the DL10 so you can run TVs would REALLY be bringing back a lost artifact!! > > The DL10 was used in two DEC system products, the DC76 Asynchronous > > Communication System, and the DN87 and DN87S Universal Communication System > > Front Ends. I couldn't find any documentation on the former I'm pretty sure DN87S was a DN87 front end attached to a (KL) DTE (Ten/Eleven) interface instead of a DL10 (or POSSIBLY visa versa). phil BUDD@AI KL1026::[31,5732] BUDNE@KL2137 & MRFORT