I also have an 11/04 that I went and drug out. It is configured like this:
........................ AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF ....................
(Rear/Fans/Power Supply) 1 [M7263----------------] (Front/Keypad/DC ON)
........................ 2 [M7847----------------] ....................
........................ 3 [M7859--------] ....................
........................ 4 [M7847----------------] ....................
........................ 5 GNT ....................
........................ 6 [M7762----------------] ....................
........................ 7 [M7840----------------] ....................
........................ 8 [DILOG--------] ....................
........................ 9 {nothing} ....................
........................ AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF ....................
I am thinking I could put a M9203/M7856 into slot 9, and find a M9312
for slot 3 and maybe this would fire up. Any suggestions?
On 12/8/2017 3:50 PM, Jerry Weiss wrote:
On Dec 8, 2017, at 2:25 PM, John Welch via cctech <cct...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
I am reviving an 11/34. Cards are:
Back/Fans [M8266--------] Front of machine where keypad is.
[M9312] [M7859]
[OPEN] [M7860]
Bus grant in third from front slot
[M9302] [M7856]
The 7856 is hooked to a cable/null modem (i think)/PC running XP&Hyperterminal
When I first powered on the programmers console said '7' and I powered off,
then back on, and now it says '5'
Any suggestions as to what to try first? I may have the bus grant in
backwards. I have other boards I can try.
John Welch
1) The G727A bus grant card is keyed (somewhat). It should be in Row D
(fourth from the back)
It won’t seat evenly if reversed. At least that is what my scraped
knuckles remember.
You can temporarily pull it out to finish the check out. There’s nothing
past the
M7840 that requires DMA.
2) Check the baud rate, stop bits and parity settings on both the Hyperterminal
and the M785 to make sure they match.
3) Are you seeing a single 7 or 5 on KY11-LB Programmer Console or on the Hyperterminal?
An other status led’s lit on the KY11-LB?
4) I don’t see any memory listed… Do you have any M7847’s?
5) Grab a copy of EK-11034-UG-001 PDP-11-34 System User’s Manual for more info.
John Welch
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