On 17 November 2017 at 16:12, william degnan <billdeg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a few original Dr dos disks.  Versions 5, 6, 7.  Would these help if
> I am imaged and uploaded to my site?

What I'd suggest is checking what's there first. :-)

I have DR-DOS 6, from VetusWare. There's a copy on WinWorld but it's
some homemade disks, lacking an installer, IIRC.

I have physical media from the early 1990s somewhere!

I have DR-DOS 7.01/02/03/04/05/8.0/8.1 mostly from WinWorld .

I own an original open source release of 7.01, including sources,
direct from Caldera, on CD. This is from before they changed their
mind and back-pedalled.

I have a full boxed copy of PC DOS 7. It was distributed with
Microsoft Virtual PC, which itself is a free download now. So the VM
is out there and freely available.

My VM is built from the free download version, with ViewMax taken from
the download of DR DOS 6.

I have a working VM of PC DOS 7.1 but I'm still working on that. I
don't currently have a bootable USB of it -- making new bootable
volumes is non-trivial. It's not as simple as SYS or FORMAT /S, alas.
Neither works. I don't think it was meant to, TBH. Ditto the later OEM
releases of DR DOS 7.04/05 -- these were only on Disk Manager and
PartitionMagic boot disks, AFAIK. The whole OS was not updated.

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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