Hello to Everyone that replied to my post on the HP7970 Tape Drive.
I very much appreciate the advice and counsel.
Sorry for the delay responding, I had a medical procedure that
knocked me back a bit - nothing serious, just mostly irritating (the
ENT Doc injected 25ml of a liquid steroid direct into my inner ear
Cochlear through penetration of the eardrum - Yuck!) <Whining>
My goal is to understand the feasibility of connecting a 7970 to the
68K system that I have assembled.
I do not yet have a 7970 and it is probably a bit of a wait to find one.
I begin to believe that such a project is feasible, especially
considering that people have done that sort of thing before to other
Best that I can tell, there are no device drivers whatsoever for the
Motorola 68K - Please let me know if I am wrong.
I begin to believe that a possible path would be to use a VMEbus
digital in/out board to connect possibly direct to the HP7970
control/read/write lines and then build ASM software to control that.
Running on a 50Mhz 68060 processor gives me hope that I will be able
to stay ahead of the drive. Polling loops running hard should help there.
The key, I think, to that will be finding really detailed timing etc
Jay, I will look for documentation on the HP 13181/13183 tape
controller - that certainly makes sense and will give me something to
stare at :)
I just found it at HP Computer Museum: It's a pretty thing:
Just downloaded and printed the 13181/13183 tape controller
documentation. I am much stronger in software than hardware, but will
see if I can make sense of it. Mostly what I need are the control
lines: commands, timing...
Regards to the List,
ps - If interested, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfT96j-7Zjc
to see what we did with some 68000 boards running ASM/Lisp back in
the day 1985. It was a fun project - I ran and hid in my hole when
that thing was running around - not kidding :)
At 07:58 PM 10/3/2017, Jay West wrote:
Jack wrote...
I begin to understand - so, for example an HP2100 with the 7970 tape option
had a specific tape controller board that talked direct to the 7970.
Yep, and no small amount of logic. The 7970A or B interfaced to a 2100/21MX
host using a 13181 interface (which is a two board set). The 7970E
interfaced to a 2100/21mx host using a 13183 interface (which is also a two
board set). Wasn't there some deal where a M/E/F could drive it at 45ips but
a 2100 couldn't (next lower speed)?? I don't recall for sure, but there was
something vaguely like that. And off that 13181/3 board you could have four
tape drives I believe.
I never used an HP2100 with a "real" tape drive such as the 7970 - actually
just paper tape back in 1974-1978 where I wrote in ASM (a bit ugly with no
index register) and ALGOL (I still have the box of paper tapes somewhere
with that four pass ALGOL compiler - that nice black oiled paper with the
smell :)
No... you did use a HP2100 with a REAL tape drive... such as the 2748B
*grin*Paper tape rocks. I have that same ALGOL compiler I'm sure secreted
away in a paper tape box(es).
I am delighted to hear that people have actually built a 7970 interface and
got it to work mostly in pure software.
That is good news and gives me hope :)
Interesting indeed.
Jay, I appreciate the helpful response. Thank you.
Glad to help, but I just copied Chucks post from a few weeks back. He
supplied the knowledge :)
I will read the 7970 interface specifications more carefully now that I
understand better the context. The timing issues are, of course, key.
HP manuals of the period are awfully detailed. They all have the theory of
operation section with a circuit walkthrough, etc. It could be helpful for
you to also take a look at the manual for the 13181 or 13183 controller set,
as you'll kinda be doing what that boardset does.
Jack Harper, President
Secure Outcomes Inc
2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
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