Hi all, first time poster.  I have some equipment I'm looking to get rid
of, but don't feel right just trashing it if I could find someone
actually interested in taking it off my hands (particularly the U1).  A
friend of mine suggested this list.

Free as in gasoline if you are near Reno, Nevada or want to make a day
trip from the SF Bay Area.  Otherwise free as in cost to drop it off at
a pack-and-ship place as I don't have the material to properly pack any
of them (so, probably very expensive).


- Sun Ultra 1, 143 MHz, 128 MiB RAM, 72 GB SCSI HDD, SCSI CDROM.
Everything seems to work fine except NVRAM is dead.  It's got a Debian
etch installation.

http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25459804/ (boot failure was because of the
dead NVRAM; "boot disk0:a" manually works)

- Cisco VG200, 2620, 2651XM.  The VG200 front panel is broken.  AFAIK
they all work, but I haven't powered them up in over a decade.  If
you're interested, there are a few modules I could mix and match:

- - Three WIC-1DSU-T1
- - NM-ESW-16 - 16 port 10/100 module
- - NM-HDA 4 FXS / 8 FXO.  IIRC one or more of the FXO ports are dead

- Two 2U BayTech RPC9E remote PDUs, 20 5-15R outlets each, L5-20P plugs.
 You can control these via serial (with an odd pinout), telnet, and IIRC

- One 2U BayTech RPC12-NC, 18 5-15R outlets, L5-20P plug.  I can't
remember much about this - it's either serial control only, or is used
to expand a RPC9E.

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