Hi Ali,

I've had a few things shipped lately and $250 isn't out of line. It's small
enough that you could try your luck on UShip; if you go that route the
pallet wouldn't be needed. If you use a traditional transporter, see if the
seller is willing to pick up a couple cheap nylon ratcheting tie downs from
Harbor Freight to strap it to the pallet. -C

On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Ali via cctech <cct...@classiccmp.org>

> I know this topic comes up pretty regularly and I am sorry to post about
> it again but any recommendations for a freight shipper from Atlanta, GA to
> LA, CA?
> I am trying to ship an empty 22U Rack. The seller can wrap it and place it
> on a pallet but cannot strap it down. There is no loading dock at the
> location. In case anyone wants exact size/weight:
> height: 44"
> width: 24"
> depth: 36"
> weight: 150Lb
> I have called a couple of shippers including one we have worked with
> before and they quoted me $250 as my best price. At that price I would have
> to say pass so I am hoping someone here can recommend someone cheaper?
> Thanks.
> -Ali

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