On Jun 29, 2017, at 10:53 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Nah, the Shuffle isn't first gen. It's about 5th gen. The original > click-wheel Firewire-only iPod 5GB is first gen. That will default to > HFS+ I think. Most of the later ones use FAT32, I believe. Ah hah! Wikipedia shows why I was confused, - I have a 1st-gen Shuffle, which as you say is about 5 years later than 1st-gen iPod. So maybe it is FAT32, and wouldn’t have transferred the .smi file. In any case, I was lucky with the .bin download to the G4. > Just checking -- you've tried different cables? Yes. Also different sockets on the hub and different hubs. > Even unplugging the > same one and reconnecting it the opposite way round can help! (My > theory is that if there are old patterns of wear or corrosion on the > connectors in either the plugs or sockets, reversing the direction of > the cable forces the connectors to scrape new clean patches. It has > worked for me, genuinely.) I believe it, though I have not tried it. And, corrosion on the G3 connector would be a good explanation - maybe I should spend some quality time with a cotton bud = q-tip in there. But response on 2 different hubs is the same, and the same cable/hub combo consistently works with the G4 and fails with the G3. Ugh. I can’t visualize the geometry right now, but the battery holder might be pretty close to the ethernet connector. Maybe I need to take apart the machine and make sure the battery didn’t leak and contaminate traces around there? I didn’t notice leakage on the old battery, but I’ve since trashed it and can’t check it directly. > I'd suspect the hub, though. Perhaps it's had some software update > that's affected it? The 2Wire modem/hub might well have, but the problem appeared on the Asante Etherhub. I’m not even aware that one *can* be updated. And, the problem did not affect the LaserJet 4M+ that was connected while it appeared and since then, nor the G4 that I’ve been testing with since the problem. I’m not certain this is the exacly appropriate manual, but the hub I’m using looks a lot like what is described here, with no mention of firmware or software update: http://ec1.images-amazon.com/media/i3d/01/A/man-migrate/MANUAL000034395.pdf pictures of this (generic auction site) item look *identical* to the hub in question: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Asante-Plug-Play-10T-HUB-8-Ports-External-RJ45-BNC-AUI-/382112847381?epid=74118803&hash=item58f7b35615:g:gHoAAOSwt5hYZVuz That is not to say there is not a problem due to software change upstream, at the AT&T modem/hub, but I don’t see how that would affect the “connect” light on the Asante. FWIW, the 2Wire connect light responds exactly like the Asante connect light when I substitute it - except for lots more apparent activity. Also, the G4 can web-surf normally through the Asante and AT&T, albeit only slowly through the 2Wire/AT&T stack. So I think the problem is localized to the G3. > Oh my! Both a Classic user _and_ a NeXT user! I retract my comments, then. No, you were right. For most purposes, MacOS is very streamlined and very fast - my perception is just from lack of practice with it. > ...-- but it doesn't 100% feel like a Mac any more. That’s true. I do like both, I’m just more acclimatized to OSX.9, OSX.4, and NeXT 3..2 at the moment. > Oh, yes, definitely. Although for me, in terms of snappy > responsiveness, nothing ever beat 8.1 on a fast 68040 machine. I'm > still upset that I missed a Quadra 840 on my local Freecycle group > nearly a decade ago. Surely another will come up eventually? Good luck! I’m always amazed how fast my Plus is ready to work after booting 6.0.8, considering it’s only 16 MHz (sic - I put a Brainpower upgrade into it). > Mind you, BeOS stomped all over Classic for responsiveness… Even Haiku, in a virtual machine on the MacBook pro, feels lightning-fast compared to most other systems. Not sure how close that is to the BeOS original, but it’s nice. - Mark