As for power, if you  have a wife and/or kids, a PDP-11's power
> consumption is not even above the noise floor in your electric bill.
> (Unless your trying to do it with RA disks!!)
> bill

Out of curiosity how much power do these wee beasties consume?
The plate on the back of my 11/93 says 345 Watts.  That's about a fifth what 
wifes hair dryer draws.  Or slightly more than 3 100 watt light bulbs (which 
kids leave on all over the house all the time!!)

I run a similar PDP-11/83 system 24/7 on a BA23 in a Pedestal stand. It has two 
2MB memory boards, an Emulex UC07 connected to two SCSI2SD Cards emulating two 
RD54s and two RA92s, and a DELQA-T running RSX11M+, DECnet and Johnny 
Billquist;s TCP/IP and it draws 100-105 watts on my UPS. 

I also run a Simh PDP-11 on a Raspberry Pi 3 as an adjacent node and it is much 
faster, much quieter, but not quite as much fun.

Mark Matlock

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