There was also a period of time when an earthquake in the far east knocked out some of the fabs there, and the supply of memory got so bad that some manufacturers had to stop shipping systems, but IBM just switched to using their own memory. It also went the other way too, the send generation CPU for the RT (6150/51) the Advanced processor or ROMP-C was designed to use IBM memory modules in aluminum cans, but all of the supply was going to higher margin products like mainframes, so in the end a lot of the CPUs where shipped without the 4MB of memory being populated. I was supporting a project that as using 6150 workstations at the time and upgraded several machines from the original NMOS processor to the CMOS enhanced processor.


On 2017-01-28 9:00 PM, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
At one time IBM was the largest manufacturer of memory and consumed *all* of
it internally (e.g. for IBM products).  At the time all of IBM’s ICs were in
the “aluminum” cans unless they needed more exotic cooling.

In the PS/2 days, we ended up using some IBM produced memory because we could
get a better internal transfer price than buying out in the market because the
various IBM fabs had a bit of excess capacity and wanted it used.

TTFN - Guy

On Jan 28, 2017, at 11:44 AM, wrote:

The  talk of  PS2 memory brought something back  to me I  have in a drawer

ps2 memory -  with weird square silver IBM  Circuit  packaged memory on
the stick.

What is the  story on this? was IBM making it's own memory chips or  just
repackaging them into
their  silver square packaging?

Now  I will have to   dig these things  out.

Thank  Ed#   _www.smecc.org_ (

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