1 jan. 2017 kl. 23.38 skrev Al Kossow <a...@bitsavers.org>:
> I'll put my copy on line. It's 70mb, the mirrors should have it sometime 
> tomorrow.

Many thanks! Very interesting reading; the information I was looking for is on 
page D-13.
While the document makes the architectural intent reasonably clear, it also 

  It should be noted that existing products vary widely in their
  handling of the end-of-line condition in regards to resetting the
  Last Column Flag.

For that reason, I would still be very grateful if someone with an actual VT100 
or later would run the previously mentioned test program at 
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattiase/wraptest/master/wraptest.c. It 
should build on any Posix system and should be easy to adapt in any case. I'll 
summarise any contributions.

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