On 11/15/16 11:25 AM, Eric Smith wrote:

> Although they're not SASI or SCSI, while you're collecting such things, it
> might also be nice to collect firmware from WD1000-nn and WD1001-nn
> (numeric suffix) disk controllers with the 50-pin general-purpose host
> interface, and which use the 8X300 or 8X305 processor with bipolar PROMs.

The two WD machines that used these that I can think of were in the
Kaypro 10 and one of the TRS-80s, maybe the Xerox 820-II?

Maybe others would be willing to help with this.
I have dumped the 8x30x roms from the VME-10, MVME320, Xerox 6085
and a couple of Multibus ones. Oh.. and SMS, of course.

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