Hi All,

I have a few IBM PS/2s in various states of disrepair that are free to
anyone willing to collect from Yatton (Near Bristol), or arrange a courier.

Systems as follows:

Model 30-286 - powers on to BASIC prompt, bad floppy drive, missing hard
drive. A few minor scuffs, should make an easy restoration.

Model 50 - Boots from HDD to DOS, has bad sectors but might be OK after a
low level format, haven't tried it because the FDD is bad. Includes
untested tape drive in the second 3.5" drive bay. Some rust spots on case.

Model 77 - Very good cosmetic condition but doesn't power on, corrosion
around the BIOS chip so I'm guessing it's because of that.

If anyone's interested I can take photos and find out the system specs. I
also have one of the later IBM PS/2 mice.


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