A quick google search found:


I have an ancient Unix system made by ProComp in Switzerland that has a 
68000 CPU, 4 MB RAM and that 68451 MMU. Unfortunately, I didn't get a hard disk
or system media for this oldtimer :( It ran a port of 7th edition Unix as well
as some System III variant. Would surely be nice to see Linux running on 
that machine ;) but I should better go and work on the MVME147 port ...

has an announcement of the Fortune Systems "Multiplier"
with the 68010 and 68451

mentions the DY-4 Systems Inc DSM-6816 with 68000 and 68451

Al Kossow writes that the COSMOS CMS-16/UNX has
"a daughter card with 68000 and Motorola 68451 MMU is visible."

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