From: Kyle Owen: Thursday, September 08, 2016 5:43 PM
On Sep 8, 2016 8:28 PM, "Vincent Slyngstad" wrote:
That should probably be:
7 00402 7620 snl cla / Link set?
8 00403 7140 cll cma / No, remember it
Needs more testing :-/.
Probably can make it "snl" instead of "snl cla" since you have a "dca"
before it, but it doesn't save code space or time. Just an observation.
Your message crossed my offlist message about the 0 in line 10 needing
to be an "L", and the useless cll in "cll cma". I still like the cla in "snl
even though it doesn't do anything. But the cll on the next line seems
misleading. All of which is probably more on this subject than other folks
care about :-).