On 7/1/2016 2:33 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
"I wasn't here for the last XXX number of times that that flamewar raged" is not an acceptable reason to deliberately re-ignite it.

It is an easy, fully objective parameter for OLD machines, not for "classic" machines, which is subjective.

If you want to create a separate list, where that is the criterion, DO SO.
I will be happy to subscribe to it.
I inherited my mother's Win95 "e-machine", with all the stickers on it; who wants it? I have plenty of old machines, many of which are not classic. But age is explicitly NOT part of the criteria on THIS list.

That battle has been fought!.

I fully get the distinction between -- for instance -- a classic Ford Mustang and a classic Ford Pinto.

Everyone agrees, the Mustangs are classic, but there *are* people who are into Pintos.

- J.

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