I’ll let you know in a few days when I get back home. Regards
Rob Sent from my Windows 10 phone From: Ian Finder Sent: 16 May 2016 23:48 To: Jarratt RMA; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts Subject: Re: Best LCDs for retrocomputing - Was: Re: New *square* 1:1 26.5"LCD monitor 1920x1920 Addendum- This thread (http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=44692) seems to indicate the 2007FP CAN do 15hkz on the VGA / RGB input... so maybe you're all good. Anyone here want to test? On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Ian Finder <ian.fin...@gmail.com> wrote: This post: http://www.vcfed.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-16744.html Seems to indicate that the Rainbow is a 15khz sync signal, more akin to normal interlaced video- which I called out in my other post as being the one type of signal that doesn't always work for these displays. You may find success using a GBS-8220 scan-doubler, (ebay, c. $28 USD), perhaps with a sync-strainer circuit to feed the SoG signal to the Scan Doubler as composite sync, if it doesn't work directly with the 2007FP. Curious to hear what you figure out. On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Jarratt RMA <robert.jarr...@ntlworld.com> wrote: > > On 16 May 2016 at 22:52 Adrian Graham <wit...@binarydinosaurs.co.uk> > wrote: > > > On 16/05/2016 20:13, "Ian Finder" <ian.fin...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > I dunno if it's relevant or not, but my go-to LCD for retro stuff is the > > Dell 2007FP- > > There was a panel lottery, some are TN, some IPS. Both are solid. > > > > They are 4:3, 1600x1200 native. > > > > They have DVI, VGA, Composite and S-Video inputs, and very stellar > > scalers. > > In fact there was one available for ukp35 so it's now mine. I remember > these > monitors from a few years ago at a customer that specialised in video for > aeroplanes, I used one not quite daily but remember being irked at the > time > that it was several button presses needed to get from VGA to DVI input, > hahaha. > He had another one at that price (the last one apparently), so I have bagged that one. I tried my Viewsonic, which does SoG, on my Rainbow at the weekend, but that didn't work, perhaps this will. Even if it doesn't it will still be a good second monitor for my everyday PC. Regards Rob -- Ian Finder (206) 395-MIPS ian.fin...@gmail.com -- Ian Finder (206) 395-MIPS ian.fin...@gmail.com