Back in the early 90's I remember that many times I'd see a print
advertisement for a Video Toaster or a new genlock card, they'd say things
like "features you'd have to pay thousands for in a professional paintbox
or titler!" I always wondered what they were talking about, since I'd
never seen how broadcast was done back then (and still don't know). So,
I'm really talking about the tech of the 80's (since that's what the
marketing folks were referring to, I assume).
Here's what I could find that I'm speculating were the "competition" of
the time:

I think this is one of the center companies of that world:

I'm not a broadcast guy just a hobbyist but pay attention to lots of different tech stuff! A diver friend is a manager on a video production truck (top of the line type.) I've gotten to tour his current one and it was insane. I've never seen so much hardware in such a tight space (Full length trailer that slides it's entire length out to add 75% or more.)

Early days was the Computer Eyes board for DOS PC. Then various windows capture systems. I've owned some PC video editing stuff like Matrox RT-2000 (sucked), and the Matrox Digisuite cards (found for sale online, soemone thought it was networking hardware but I recognized the ports.) Currently have Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio, which is very neat hardware and software.

Haven't had a video toaster system... yet!

Ethan O'Toole

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