I don't think this is particularly strange, but back in college I had UUCP 
running on my Amiga 1000, and I set it up to dial in to the Sun SPARCstation 
IPC (IIRC) sitting on the computer support help desk at UCI. I was one of the 
help desk staff, and had permission from the bosses to do it. I had to hack up 
the sendmail.cf on that system to route things properly, and back then there 
were no m4 macros to help out. Raw sendmail.cf hacking was a harrowing 
experience! I think I had my Amiga dial in to poll for email every 10-15 
minutes, and I hacked the code to blink the power LED when I had new mail 
waiting. That way, I could tell at a glance if I had new mail even with the 
monitor off.

One of my friends who also worked the helpdesk also dialed in the same way. The 
pay was nice, but the real reason I wanted the job was because of perks like a 
key to the machine room and access to computers unbound by such silly 
limitations as process and disk space quotas, or not having the root password. 
I could mount my own tapes and pull my own printouts off the line printer 
(though I'd naturally use the Imagen laser printer instead). When it came time 
to do some simulations of a utility-scale power transformer design for a power 
engineering class, I didn't need to fight over Sun 3/60s in an engineering lab 
like most of the other students. Nope, I ran my sims on the Convex C-240 
supercomputer! They probably would have run just as fast, if not faster, on the 
Suns since I wasn't doing any vector math, but it was a "just because I can" 
sort of thing.

Once, while our boss was away on vacation, my friend and I rolled a 
decommissioned VX-11/780 down the hallway from the machine room and crammed it 
into his very small office. We powered up some blowers to make it seem like it 
was on, and also put an unguarded DEC Correspondent on his desk, on which we 
typed stuff to make it look like we were trying to boot the VAX. I wish I was 
on shift when he arrived at work! I'm told that his reaction was delightful.

Another later boss, in a different branch of the same computer support 
department, once got similar treatment with a TU-77 tape drive. That wasn't my 
doing, but I like to think I was an inspiration.

Boy, do I wish I had that 11/780 and TU-77 now! I think they were slated to be 
sent down to Mexico or something like that.

Speaking of the C-240, I personally found it very useful when I had a graveyard 
shift computer operator job. The machine room had its own A/C, and the main 
building A/C would be shut off overnight. The building A/C would turn back on 
at 6AM to get the computer science building ready for morning classes at 8AM. 
With the sudden cooling surge, the computer room temperature would plummet, 
right at a time when my metabolism was already pretty much shut down from the 
fatigue of staying up all night. When that happened, I would often curl up in a 
shivering fetal position on the floor right behind the C-240's power supply 
cabinet, in the path of its blower exhaust. I experimentally determined that 
was the warmest easily-accessible area in the machine room.

Good times, good times.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>

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