On 2/1/16 10:05 PM, Eric Smith wrote:
On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:37 PM, Guy Sotomayor <g...@shiresoft.com> wrote:
The AIX in the quote was regarding AIX for the RS/6000. The kernel for AIX
on the
RS/6000 bore no real resemblance to any other Unix kernel.
Yes, it was alien (vs traditional Unix kernels) but it was simple and quite
Am I misremembering, or doesn't AIX use substantially different
commands for managing things, rather than the commands typically found
in /sbin and/or /usr/sbin on "normal" Unix systems? I thought that
was another motivation for the "space alien" quote, rather than only
the kernel.
Yea, all of the management was done through smit (I think that's the
command). Menu
driven and everything was kept in a database.
I think in later versions IBM relented and allowed things to be managed
through "normal"
Unix commands and files.
I haven't actually used AIX/370. I used AIX for the RS/6000 only long
enough to get disgusted and get an illicit copy of AOS, which was BSD
4.3, which I knew how to use.
I used AIX (I think it was 3.2.5) for quite a while as a build
environment for other systems
(since it tended to be the fastest thing around...at IBM anyway).
TTFN - Guy