On 2015-Dec-22, at 2:28 AM, drlegendre . wrote: > Ah, a terminal it is! Thank you. > > On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:30 PM, William Donzelli <wdonze...@gmail.com> > wrote: > >>> Sincere query.. as the goog turns up nothing meaningful.. >> >> Try IBM 3278. >> >> Hint: one of those popular terminal families in the world.
Funny, I tried googling a bare "3278" and got the terminal in the first of 33,400,000 hits. Must have something to do with one's search history. Used to use 3278s on occasion - in the mainframe terminal room where, as an undergrad, I was not supposed to be. Just be casual and do one's best to look like you belong there. They were so much nicer than the bottom-end Hazeltines in the undergrad lab.