On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Robert Jarratt <robert.jarr...@ntlworld.com > wrote:
> > Having spent many hours fixing my own H7864, and finally succeeding, I am > interested to know what kind of failure you had. Filter caps often go on > these, are easily replaceable and don't stop it working. The recent fault I > am referring to was a failure of the main switching transistor on the > primary side, leading to total deadness, but replacing two parts brought it > back to life. > Rob, Yeah, I'd actually really like to save this Micro 11's power supply but I'm so bad at electronics that I feel hopeless trying. It'd be really good, though, because I could then just neatly slide the micro into the big cab when I feel like having it connected to all the other stuff, or keep it in its little deskside cabinet for typical day-to-day stuff. It has to stay very neat and presentable because these machines are actually part of the decor of our den (and with my better half's enthusiastic approval, which I realise is quite amazing of itself and don't want to blow)! Did you keep notes on how you ascertained what to replace? Or can you summarize in a step by step way that an amateur would be able to follow? The whole of my electronics tooling consists of some soldering stuff and a multimeter. tia! jake