I recently acquired a small pile of 8" floppy disks which appear to be for IBM 
4341 and 3880 hardware:


They're on my "to be imaged" pile. I don't have any hardware to go with them, 
and would be happy to trade them away after imaging them. They apparently came 
from a military surplus commo shelter whose innards were being scrapped out. I 
don't think that the hardware is still in the shelter owner's hands, and I 
wouldn't have wanted to acquire it anyway, but I thought it would be fun to try 
to preserve the contents of the disks he had in there.

Based on the label picture linked to above, do any of you IBM fans know whether 
the contents of these are likely to be interesting to anybody?

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>

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