Well they managed to keep that quiet or I would have gone like a shot.
My wife and I go to Germany three or four times a year on holiday.
I worked in Germany for a year (1969/70) and speak enough German to get
So I am totally hacked off that it was a secret closed show and so I
never knew about it.
I could have been there in less than three hours. door to door.
Whoever hid this event form the greater collecting world should be made
to key in the PDP8 bootstrap 1024 times!!!
Seriously though, it would have been nice to have gone
Rod Smallwood
On 28/10/15 02:13, Jack Rubin wrote:
Here are some of my photos from VCF-Berlin - http://tinyurl.com/vcfb-2015 .
More narrative is at the Vintage Computer Forum - http://tinyurl.com/vcfb-vcfd
. Enjoy - I certainly did!