On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:06:25AM -0600, Joe wrote: > > On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 09:56:36AM -0600, Joe wrote: > Thanks for the response. I guess not to many people have messed around with > Multos8 or ETOS. > You using my copy or do you have your own? Using emulator or real machine?
> I'm trying to add an OS/8 disk pack so I can mess around with the > timesharing on two terminals. > Using SIMH since I only have one RK05 on the machine right now. [djg@laptop BIN]$ ./pdp8 PDP-8 simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: d4720d35 sim> att rk0 etosv5b-demo.rk05 sim> att rk1 diagpack2.rk05 sim> set tsc enabled sim> bo rk0 .R ETOS ETOS V5B OPTION?T ?LOGIN PLEASE !LOGIN ETOS V5B AT 00:00:00 A.M. ON TUE 01-JAN-75 ACCOUNT? 0,4 PASSWORD? JOB 3 LOGGED IN ON CONSOLE 0 WELCOME TO DAVID GESSWEIN'S ETOS SYSTEM TYPE HELP TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE .^VS !ASSIGN DK1 !CONT .^VS !LOOKUP 5=DK1:,0 !CONT .DIR CHN5: 01-JAN-75 ABSLDR.SV 6 04-JAN-73 CCL .SV 31 04-JAN-73 DIRECT.SV 7 04-JAN-73 PIP .SV 11 04-JAN-73 FOTP .SV 8 04-JAN-73 ...