The one with the head in a yoke in my case is a 6053 aka Dasher D2.  I
have two of them.  Last I knew, both work, aside from one key from the
one nicely wrapped up and sitting in my garage.

Looks like these:
from Jay West's post.

We could talk.  Contact me off list.

I really gotta put up more pictures.  ;)


On 9/22/2015 12:24 PM, wrote:
> yes   ET!     the one in the  with the  head in the yoke  although anything 
> blue and pretty   would   be better than nothing!  Our Eclipse is not as  
> grand as   some photos ,,, and  the  tape  drive is a small  side by  side  
> reel unit that  fits in the  single rack  here is  a photo of  ours....  
> had it  for  years     need   manuals  etc and  maybe  some sales  lit.  or 
>   scans  of  advertising material to  display with it...   but  yea... it  
> cries out to have a terminal  with it!
> In a message dated 9/22/2015 9:08:14 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
> writes:
> Jay  Jaeger wrote...
> ----
> ???  What do you mean by "blue dg et head  looking terminal"  ???
> ----
> I'd bet that he's referring to the  Data General Dasher D200 terminal.
> I have  one:
> But  perhaps a better  picture:
> %20front.jpg
> The  D200 isn't always on ebay, but usually they show up mildly frequently
> there  and seem to go around $200 to $250.
> There was another common terminal  on eclipse systems. I'm not sure if it 
> was
> in the Dasher series, but I  believe it was called a "5821". I have one of
> these as  well.
> Lastly,  a common combination system console (terminal)/printer that is VERY
> cool  looking was the Dasher TP1 and TP2. Mine is a  TP1.
> J

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