On Sun, 13 Sep 2015, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 09/13/2015 01:18 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
Well, participating in such an event for the fun of it might be
interesting, but to be perfectly frank, I don't know what one
calls "BASIC" anymore.
Does it have to be TRUE BASIC, or are street BASICs accepted?
I didn't want to bring up TRUE BASIC, as I suspect not a lot of "other"
BASICs would understand it.
How about BASIC-E or CBASIC? And what's this DOS stuff? Was there an
official IBM BASIC for DOS/360? How about my own creation, STAR BASIC? I've
still got a T-shirt and manual for it (and some source code somewhere)...
If your BASIC of choice can produce a program for the contest, who the
hell cares what dialect or platform it's for? As long as it's "vintage",
run with it.
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