This discussion on the legality of sharing manuals, PDFs, etc. leads me to 
think about the vintage computing hobby as a whole.  While we all encourage the 
hobby to grow, the downside is that as it does, the software copyright holders 
may start to take notice.  As a developer of modern systems who expects to be 
paid for my work (except what I share with the community of course) I am in a 
conundrum because the hobby cannot succeed without the large collection of 
easily accessible vintage software available yet there is no way to “buy” most 
of it today.  But, we would also not expect or would we pay 1980s retail 
prices.  I know some generous copyright owners have allowed unrestricted use of 
their old software, like Roy Soltoff from Misosys, but many others have not or 
have disappeared.  I’m fairly new to the hobby so maybe this has already been 
hashed out years ago.  Just wondering what the community thinks.

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