Does the 5300 have SCSI? An external CD drive would be one option. Also, if
there's enough HD space (and you're patient enough for the transfer) you
could set up a Telnet connection and file share. -C

On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Joe Giliberti <> wrote:

> Greetings!
> I know that many of my posts to this list tend to be on the fringes of what
> is normally discussed here. I apologize in advance if this is too new for
> the group.
> I am trying to get my Powerbook 5300 up and running as a usable word
> processor (with portable printer) for school and for email. It is currently
> running System 7.5.2. The machine is capable of supporting MacOS 9.1, but
> my goal is 8.6. I see them talking on lowendmac that upgrading the OS makes
> the machine more solid, but it doesn't explain how to do it. The machine
> only has a floppy drive and no networking. Were there any system 8.6
> install floppies? I can't think of another way to get it on there.
> Joe

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