Always interested in a 2000 and a 4000. I suspect these were destined for
other people, but if the takers have not materialised then I will happily
take them.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Adrian
> Graham
> Sent: 01 August 2015 11:11
> To: Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Saved DEC kit
> Folks,
> Before the great company meltdown of Jan this year and as I discovered the
> great mailing list breakdown of not long after I saved some DEC kit for
> members to collect, namely:
> Alpha 800 (rackmount)
> uVAX 2000
> VAX 4000VLC
> These are still in my hallway in Cambs UK so if either the people who
called for
> them or failing that anyone else would like to collect that'd be great.
> I have proper scales for shipping weight but they need to be calibrated
and I'm
> struggling to find anything that weighs exactly 25kg :) (I know the
Alpha800 is
> '24-28kg', scales are pretty correct there, as they are with my DS25, but
> get a DS10 horribly wrong so...)
> --
> Adrian/Witchy
> Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
> - the UK's biggest private home computer
> collection?

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