Hi Guys, I have finally decided to restore my original Altair 8800 which has been in storage for over 30 years. Does anyone have a copy of Microsoft's Multiuser Disk Extended Basic for the Altair 8800? When I was in college in '79 to '81, in the computer room was an ASR-33 Teletype and 3 Learseigler terminals connected to an Altair 8800B. An IMSAI was also there connected to one ASR-33 Teletype. I'd like to resurrect this multiuser Basic software environment on my Altair someday once the restoration is complete. Any help in securing a copy of all the necessary software would be most appreciated. Thanks a bunch in advance. Take care my friends.
Kip Koon <mailto:computer...@sc.rr.com> computer...@sc.rr.com <http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Kip_Koon> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Kip_Koon