> From: Paul Anderson > OK, I have 10+ of the M3106 and M3107 boards
The M3106 is the DZQ11; the M3107 is the DHQ11, a completely different beast (a sister to the DHV11, the quad version of the DHQ11, the dual version). We already have complete documents online for the DHQ11 (UG, TM and FMPS), so no great need for them. Just to recap, what is missing online from the complete set of 4 (DZV11, DZQ11, DHZ11, and DHQ11) is: - DZV11 Tech Man (EK-DZV11-TM) - you have this - DZQ11 FMPS (MP-01795) - still missing, and the thing I'm looking for - A DHV11 User Guide, _if such a thing exists_ (I have no definite proof that it does) > if the print sets are filed under M3106 and M3107 instead of the option > name they might take while to get to. > ... > I'm slowly getting everything, prints, manuals,boards,etc. in order but > it will take time. Understood. Don't push your recovery! :-) > Noel, you are more than welcome to use any documentation. Talk to Al > figure out who needs it first then ship it to the other and back to me. For the DZV11 Tech Manual, that might be best going to Al? I don't have a page-feed scanner, just the manual one (albeit it is large format, and can swallow prints at a gulp), and since TM's are usually lengthy, probably best if someone with a page-feed scanner tackles that one. (I assume Al has access to a page-feed scanner.. :-) Noel