There are plenty of Zinc hydrolase enzymes that adopt octahedral geometry 
around the metal ion when you include a water in the 6th coordination site.

Diana R. Tomchick
Departments of Biophysics and Biochemistry
UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214A
Dallas, TX 75390-8816
(214) 645-6383 (phone)
(214) 645-6353 (fax)

On Mar 12, 2025, at 6:14 AM, Roger Rowlett <> wrote:

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It would be unusual for a coordinated metal ion to have multiple occupancies. 
Are you sure your metal is zinc? Zinc coordination sites are typically 
pseudotetrahedral (occasionally 5-coordinate) with waters filling out the 
coordination shell in a His-His-Asp/Glu ligand environment, with Zn-N(O) bond 
distances of 2.0A plus or minus. There are metalloenzymes with fairly plastic 
metal affinities (e.g. certain carbonic anhydrases) that can naturally 
accommodate Cd or Fe. The former has coordination geometries similar to Zn with 
longer bond lengths. The latter will typically be in an octahedral coordination 

Roger Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus
Colgate University

On Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 5:45 AM Shikha Gupta 
<<>> wrote:
Dear all,

I have a complex structure where zinc
metal ion is present in the active site (evidence from several PDBs). However, 
despite multiple efforts, I am getting lot of positive densities close to the 
metal ion (please see image attached). I have also tried to place water or two 
zinc ions but that also doesn’t seem to work. The last and overall best 
solution I came up with was by positioning three zinc ions with combined 
occupancy of 1 (0.3+0.2+0.3). Although I still see positive densities around 
but this is best I have achieved.

This was a soaked crystals, any suggestions on this. Is this the right way to 
do this. The resolution of the structure is 1.7 angs.



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