We’re looking for a postdoc to work on developing time-resolved serial crystallography based at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Position description<https://swinjobs.nga.net.au/publicfiles/swinjobs/jobs/F7EF53A3-92B4-DC91-17E7-D203E3992A8E/PD%20-%20Postdoctoral%20Research%20Fellow%20-%20Time-Resolved%20Crystallography%20Development_1.pdf> and how to apply: https://swinjobs.nga.net.au/?jati=881A1479-9477-097E-6BA2-E3944FDB93F4 Applications close Friday 28th March 11 pm (Melbourne time; AEDT) 3 years full time, level B (+17 % super) <https://www.swinburne.edu.au/careers-at-swinburne/salaries-conditions/> The focus will be two-fold: developing serial crystallography at the Australia Synchrotron and developing time-resolved serial crystallography to capture the structural dynamics of disulfide bond-forming enzyme A (DsbA) during its enzymatic cycle. DsbA plays a crucial role in oxidative protein folding and is a potential drug target to combat antimicrobial resistance. The position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to both technical advancements in crystallographic methodology as well as deepening our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing disulfide bond formation. The ideal candidate will have experience in protein crystallization, X-ray crystallography experiments and data analysis, with a strong interest in serial and time-resolved crystallography. They should have excellent organisational, projectmanagement, and communication skills, as well as experience with student supervision and mentoring. Experience in setting up a crystallization laboratory would be highly valued. Thanks, Nadia -- Nadia Zatsepin ARC Future Fellow Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy Swinburne University of Technology nzatse...@swin.edu.au<mailto:nzatse...@swin.edu.au> sites.google.com/view/zatsepinlab<https://sites.google.com/view/zatsepinlab> ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/WA-JISC.exe?SUBED1=CCP4BB&A=1 This message was issued to members of www.jiscmail.ac.uk/CCP4BB, a mailing list hosted by www.jiscmail.ac.uk, terms & conditions are available at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/policyandsecurity/