
It looks like the peptide is bound close to a  2_fold symmetry axis, which can 
result in mistakes, so try to anchor your peptide registry using regions that 
are away from this axis (turn symmetry on in COOT to make sure you dont build 
it inside itself).

Other than, that its just a case of treating it like any other part of a 
protein that needs rebuilding, and just apply the same iterative process where 
you improve/rebuild the bits you can, and as the maps improve
The more difficult areas become more tractable.
Some of the regions at the top-left of your image look like they may need 
rebuilding for instance, and once you have improved the protein, the peptide 
density may become more interpretable.
The shape of the phosphate should hopefully be visible to help you.

Once the protein part is as good as you think you can manage (and you have 
checked some of the weaker areas for model bias in the maps), then you can 
attempt to recover some of the finer details of your peptide.

I personally use Polders or Phenix FEM maps.   FEM maps can be really good. I'm 
not an expert in how they work, but personally I feel like the results are 
quite dependant on the quality of the phases you start with, so I usually use 
them To try and recover weak sidechain/ligand information in otherwise fairly 
complete models.

Finally, once you think you have built your peptide you can add the 
phosphorylated residue which is (hopefully) in the existing dictionary using 
the "replace residue" tool in Coot I think.

Hope this helps


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Manjula Ramu 
Sent: 27 February 2025 21:09
Subject: [ccp4bb] unable to fit the 11-amino-acid peptide

Dear all, I recently solved a complex structure of a protein with an 
11-amino-acid phosphopeptide at 2. 58 Å resolution. The asymmetric unit 
contains two protein chains, and the difference map shows positive green 
density (Fo-Fc positive difference
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Dear all,

I recently solved a complex structure of a protein with an 11-amino-acid 
phosphopeptide at 2.58 Å resolution. The asymmetric unit contains two protein 
chains, and the difference map shows positive green density (Fo-Fc positive 
difference density) for the peptide. However, the density is not well-defined, 
making manual fitting of the peptide challenging.

I have two key questions:

  1.  How can I generate a 3D model of the 11-residue phosphopeptide?
  2.  What options are available for fitting the peptide into the electron 

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions to help complete my 
structure. I have attached the png file from the coot.


Thanks and Regards,




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